1.1. This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") governs the procedure and conditions the provision of services by the site «NaijaBet.games», hereinafter referred to as "Organizer", and is addressed to an individual who wants to receive the services of the specified site (hereinafter "Member".)
1.2. The organizer and the participant acknowledge the procedure and form for concluding this agreement equivalent in legal force to an agreement entered into in writing.
1.3. The terms of this agreement are accepted by the participants in full and without any reservations by joining the agreement in the form in which it is set out on the website «NaijaBet.games»
2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the provision of services by the organizer to the participant organization of leisure and recreation in the game «NaijaBet.games» in accordance with the terms present agreement. Such services include, in particular, the following: services for buying and selling game inventory (NaijaBet.games), keeping records of significant information: movement on the game account, provision of measures for identification and security participants, development of software integrated into the playground and external applications, information and other services necessary for the organization of the game and maintenance participant in its process at the organizer's site.
2.2. The game as a whole, as well as any of its elements or any associated external game application, created solely for entertainment. The participant acknowledges that all activities in the game on the playground are entertainment for him. The participant agrees that in depending on the characteristics of his account, the degree of his participation in the game will be available in to varying degrees.
2.3. The participant agrees that he is personally responsible for all actions, made with game inventory (NaijaBet.games): buying, selling, entering and withdrawal, as well as for game actions on the playground: creation, purchase-sale, operations with all game elements and other game attributes and objects, used for gameplay.
2.4. The Participant acknowledges that the degree and ability to participate in the entertainment on the Game server are the main qualities of the service provided to him.
3.1 Rights and obligations of the participant.
3.1.1. Only persons who have reached civil legal capacity under the laws of the country of his residence. All the consequences failure to comply with this condition is the responsibility of the participant.
3.1.2. The degree and method of participation in the game are determined by the participant himself, but cannot contradict this Agreement and the rules of the playground.
3.1.2. The participant must: truthfully report information about yourself during registration and upon request Provide the organizer with reliable data about his personality, allowing to identify him as the owner of the account in the game; do not use the game to perform any actions that contradict international legislation and the legislation of the country - the Member's residence; do not use undocumented features (bugs) and software errors ensuring the game and immediately inform the Organizer about them, as well as about the persons, using these errors; do not use external programs of any kind to gain advantages in the game; not to use for advertising your affiliate link, as well as the resource, its containing, mailing lists and other types of messages to persons who did not express their consent receive (spam); is not entitled to restrict the access of other participants or other persons to the Game, is obliged respectfully and correctly treat the participants of the game, as well as the Organizer, his partners and employees, do not interfere with the work of the latter; not to deceive the Organizer and the participants of the game; do not use profanity and insults in any form; not to denigrate the actions of other players and the Administration; not threaten with violence and physical harm to anyone; not distribute materials that promote rejection or hatred of any race, religion, culture, nation, people, language, politics, state, ideology or public movement; not advertise pornography, drugs and resources containing such information; not use actions, terminology or jargon to disguise the violation duties of the participant; independently take care of the necessary measures of computer and other security, keep secret and not transfer to another person or another participant their identification data: login, account password, etc., to prevent unauthorized access to mail mailbox specified in the profile of the member's account. All risk of adverse effects disclosure of this data is the responsibility of the participant, since the participant agrees that the system information security of the playground excludes the transfer of login, password and identification information of the member's account to third parties; independently bear personal responsibility for the maintenance of their financial transactions and operations, the Organizer is not responsible for the financial actions performed between players on the transfer of game inventory and game currency, as well as other game attributes. notify the organizer in writing about your claims and complaints via the Support page. regularly independently get acquainted with the news of the game, as well as with changes in of this Agreement and in the rules of the game on the playground. do not create additional accounts (multi-accounts). Such actions will entail blocking the account, or resetting it. Sale / transfer of accounts is prohibited "Collusion" of groups of persons in order to obtain benefits for participants / non-participants is prohibited collusion "Collusion" is a cartel conspiracy, a criminal conspiracy, a cooperative. This term defines a group of people who, through cooperation, are trying to get benefits on the site. When detection of these, all participants are threatened with a ban and zeroing, punishment is also possible installed by administrators.
4.1.1. The organizer is obliged to: to provide free access of the participant to the playground and to participation in the game. The participant pays for access to the Internet at his own expense and bears other costs associated with this action. keep records of game inventory (NaijaBet.games) on the participant's game account. regularly improve the hardware and software complex, but does not guarantee that the Game software is bug-free and the hardware will not come out of production parameters and will function smoothly. Observe the confidentiality regime with respect to the participant's personal data in the order of clause 6 of this agreement. The receipt of payments by the user may be limited by the administration to its own discretion. Anyone who legally owns game inventory (NaijaBet.games), payment is made of the amount of money due to the market value (NaijaBet.games), minus the cost of this operation.
4.1.2. The organizer has the right: provide the participant with additional paid services, a list of which, as well as the procedure and conditions for using which are determined by this agreement, the rules of the game site and other announcements of the organizer. In this case, the organizer has the right at any time change the number and volume of offered paid services, their cost, name, type and effect from use. suspend this agreement and disconnect the participant from participating in the game at the time of the investigation on suspicion of the participant in violation of this Agreement and the rules of the playground. exclude a participant from the game if it finds that the participant has violated the present the agreement or rules established on the playing court, in the order of 5.10 of this agreement. partially or completely interrupt the provision of services without warning the participant during reconstruction, repair and maintenance work on the site. The organizer is not responsible for the incorrect functioning of the software. ensuring the game. The Participant uses the software on an “AS IS” basis (“AS IS ”). If the organizer finds that during the game there was a failure (error) in the operation of the site, then the results that took place during the incorrect operation of the software can be canceled or corrected at the discretion of the organizer. The participant agrees not appeal to the organizer about the quality, quantity, order and timing of the provided play opportunities and services for him.
Warranties and Liability 5.1. The organizer does not guarantee permanent and uninterrupted access to playground and its services in case of technical problems and / or unforeseen circumstances, including: defective work or not functioning Internet providers, information servers, banking and payment systems, as well as illegal actions of third parties. The organizer will make every effort to avoid disruptions, but is not responsible for temporary technical failures and interruptions in the work of the Game, outside depending on the reasons for such failures.
5.2. The participant fully agrees that the organizer cannot be held liable for damages the participant that arose in connection with the illegal actions of third parties directed for violation of the security system of electronic equipment and game databases, or due to interruptions, suspension or termination of work beyond the control of the organizer communication channels and networks used to interact with the participant, as well as illegal or unreasonable actions of payment systems, as well as third parties.
5.3. The organizer is not responsible for losses incurred as a result of using or non-use by the participant of information about the Game, game rules and the Game itself and does not bear liability for losses or other harm incurred by the participant in connection with his unskilled actions and ignorance of the game rules or his errors in calculations;
5.4. The participant agrees that he uses the playground of his own free will and on his own own risk. The organizer does not give the participant any guarantee that he will extract benefit or benefit from participating in the game. The degree of participation in the Game is determined by the participant himself.
5.5. The organizer is not responsible to the participant for the actions of other participants.
5.6. In case of disputes and disagreements on the playground, the decision of the organizer is final and the participant fully agrees with it. All disputes and disagreements arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by negotiations. If it is impossible to reach an agreement through negotiations, disputes, disagreements and claims arising from this Agreement shall be resolved in in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.7. The Organizer does not bear the tax burden for the Participant. The participant undertakes to independently include possible income received in the tax return in accordance with the laws of the country of your residence.
5.8. The organizer may make changes to this Agreement, the rules of the playground and other documents unilaterally. In case of changes in documents The organizer posts the latest versions of the documents on the site of the playground. All changes come into force from the moment of posting. The participant has the right to terminate this Agreement within 3 days if he does not agree with the changes. In this case, termination The Agreement is made in accordance with clause 5.9 of this Agreement. The Participant is responsible for the obligation to regularly visit the official website of the Game in order to get acquainted with the official documents and news.
5.9. The participant has the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally without saving a game account. In this case, all costs associated with participation in the game, the participant non-refundable and non-refundable.
5.10. The organizer has the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally, and also take other actions that limit the possibilities in the Game in relation to the participant or a group of participants who are complicit in the revealed violations of the terms of this Agreements. In this case, all game attributes, game inventory (NaijaBet.games) in the account and on the game account of a participant or a group of participants, as well as all expenses are not refundable and not reimbursed, except if the Organizer, in his own way deems it appropriate to reimburse the costs of the participant or group of participants.
5.11. The Organizer and the Participant are exempt from liability in the event of a force majeure circumstances (force majeure), which include, but the list is not limited to: natural disasters, wars, fire (fires), floods, explosions, terrorism, riots, civil unrest, government or regulatory acts authorities, hacker attacks, absences, non-functioning or interruptions in the operation of the power supply, Internet service providers, communication networks or other systems, networks and services. The side with such circumstances have arisen, must, within a reasonable time and in an accessible way, notify in such circumstances, the other side.
6.1. The confidentiality clause applies to information that the Organizer can to get about the Participant during his stay on the Game website and which can be correlated with this specific user. The organizer automatically receives and writes to server logs technical information from your browser: IP address, address of the requested pages, etc. The organizer can record "cookies" on the user's computer and use them later. The organizer guarantees that the data provided by the participant during registrations in the Game will be used by the Organizer only inside the Game.
6.2. The Organizer has the right to transfer personal information about the Participant to third parties only in cases if:
6.2.1. The participant has expressed a desire to disclose this information;
6.2.2. Without this, the Participant cannot use the desired product or service, in particular - information about names (nicknames), game attributes - may be available to others participants;
6.2.3. This is required by international law and / or authorities in compliance with legal procedure;
6.2.4. The participant violates this Agreement and the rules of the playground.
7.1. The invalidity of part or paragraph (subparagraph) of this agreement does not entail invalidity of all other parts and clauses (subclauses).
7.2. The term of this Agreement is established for the entire period of validity of the game site, that is, for an indefinite period, and does not imply the end date of this agreement.
7.3. By registering and being on the website, the participant acknowledges that he has read, understood and fully accepts the terms of this Agreement, as well as the rules of the game and other official documents.
7.4. It is forbidden to use temporary (one-time) mails, for using such an account will be deleted and action taken. One-time mail is determined by the site administration. Under this definition is also suitable for mail delivered to purchased domains, purchased domains determined by the site administration.
7.4.1. It is forbidden to register more than one account through the site. Such actions will entail account blocking and forfeiture of balance(s)
7.4.2. Artificial balancing using scripts is strictly prohibited. any user / participant the deploys the use of such will be seen will be blocked and balances forfeited.
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